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Projects and groups

Reports from projects and groups for 2023 - 2024

Repair Cafe Tring
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At our monthly Repair Cafe, we offer a free repair service to help reduce waste. Our brilliant volunteers have the skills and tools to help fix your broken items.

Lobbying and Protest

A group that focuses on lobbying and holding the various levels of council to account.

Please get in touch if you would like to be involved.

Tidy Tring Team
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A group carying out monthly litter-picking in different parts of the town. It is a great way to meet neighbours and make friends, while also helping to keep our roads and green spaces clean. Get in contact by email or click below to find the group on Facebook.

Plastic Free Tring
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An initiative which seeks to reduce plastic waste in Tring.  


Keep in touch by following us on Facebook.

Tring Wildlife Gardens and Spaces
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A group dedicated to encouraging wildlife in their gardens and also in green spaces around the town. Weekly meetings have been held this summer, visiting each other’s gardens. We’ll be starting again next spring. Please get in touch if you would like to be involved.

Tring Community Garden
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The Community Garden in Duckmore Lane is a wonderful green space for all the community. A group of volunteers hold gardening sessions on the second Sunday of each month.

Energy Group
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During winter months, we offer thermal imaging assessments to show where your home could be losing heat. We also loan out power meter plugs from Tring Library so you can monitor energy used by your electrical appliances.

Hedges in Tring

A group dedicated to preserving and protecting hedges in Tring. Volunteers are surveying the hedges in the town. The aim is to calculate how much carbon is being sequestered.

Wild Tring
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A group of wildlife enthusiasts raising awareness of the urban wild. We organise and take part in educational and citizen science events, discovering more about local biodiversity.

Sustainable Wigginton
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A group based in Wigginton. Activities they've engaged in include; creating a wildflower meadow, helping the community to reduce heat loss through thermal imaging, and encouraging home grown food through sharing plants and seeds.

Events we're involved in
Tring's Great Big Green Week
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Each June, GBGW encourages people to protect the environment and take action to tackle climate change. Working with Tring Town Council, we coordinate this event.

Tring's Own Apple Fayre
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An annual festival held throughout October. The Apple Fayre is a celebration of all things autumnal, highlighting our connection to the earth through the food we eat. 

You might also be interested in these groups
Parents for Future 
Herts and Bucks

A community of local parents working to create a better future for our children.

Justice & Peace Group

Promoting 'bee friendly Tring' and the guide to local, organic and Fairtrade products. 

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